Yunker Farm Park

Submitted by kkuntz on Thu, 09/07/2023 - 11:24

As part of the Yunker Farm Master Plan, Fargo Parks is in the process of updating existing site features and possible new uses. The process also includes significant input from the community and stakeholders to establish master plan goals and concepts. 

Yunker Farm Park is a 55-acre park owned and operated for over 40 years by the Fargo Park District. What makes Yunker Farm Park unique is the numerous uses, attractions, history and interesting landscape and buildings that make this park special.

Black background, white Fargo Parks logo and white text that says Fargo Park District Board Meeting Recap September 06, 2023

September Board Recap

Headshot of Susan Faus

Fargo Park District Board names Susan Faus to the Position of Interim Executive Director

Green background with white Fargo Park District Logo and text that says "Fargo Park District Board Meeting September 5, 2023 5:30pm"

Park Board Meeting - September Agenda 2023