The Maintenance and Operations Departments at the Fargo Park District employ more than 230 full and part-time employees. The team is comprised of a talented group of arborists, golf course and turf management, maintenance and operations professionals who are responsible for the care of:
- 2,800+ total acres
- 2,000+ acres of maintained turf grass
- 100+ acres of native grasslands and prairie
- 25,000+ trees
- 440+ landscape beds
- 110+ miles of paved sidewalks and trails
- 9+ cross country ski trails
- 80+ playgrounds
- 79+ buildings and facilities
- 50+ park shelters
- 5 pools
- 5 public golf courses
- 16 outdoor skating rinks
Our teams consider it a privilege to maintain and care for the parks, facilities and trails that make our community so great.
Winter Maintenance
The parks and maintenance teams are responsible for clearing snow on 90+ miles of trails and sidewalks, around 30 acres of parking lots and the entrances of 41 buildings and facilities. Trails are cleared with either a pickup and plow or a tractor and blower depending on the severity of the storm.
The goal is to have routes cleared in 8 hours, however large amounts of snow and high winds can complicate and delay the process. After crews have finished the entire route they will start back at the beginning to clear ridges created by City of Fargo plows and drifting snow.
Creating ice for outdoor skating rinks is a complicated process. Factors such as outside and ground temperature, amount of sun and wind, snow, and type of surface the ice is created on all play a part in how quickly ice can be made and rinks can be opened. Generally, rinks can be ready in 14 days if the temperature is around 10 degrees Fahrenheit and there is little to no snowfall.
Interested in learning more about creating ice for skating rinks? Check out this video where Deputy Director of Operations Dave Bietz explains the process!
Make sure to follow Fargo Park District social media and the Latest News page of our website for important updates regarding rink openings.
Preparing cross country ski trails is a process that starts long before the first snowflakes fall and requires collaboration from several different people and departments.
First, forestry crews must begin clearing trees, brush and flood debris that collected over the spring, summer and fall months. Next, trails are mowed and checked for hazards by park maintenance. Obstructions that limit trail access in the summer are removed and sections of the trail are repaired if necessary.
Once there is several inches of snow on the ground, crews can begin packing trails with grooming equipment. It is difficult to say an exact amount of snow that is needed because moisture content, ground and air temperature, sun and wind conditions can all effect how easily the trails can be packed, but it needs to be more than 4 inches at least to begin the packing process. It generally takes 6 to 8 inches of snow in order to actually groom the trail and 8 or more inches to set classic tracks.
Sometimes, enough snow falls in one snow event that allows crews to groom perfect trails the first time out, but generally it is a process that takes several weeks.
Make sure to follow Fargo Park District social media and the Latest News page of our website for important updates regarding trails.
Spring Maintenance
Each year, the Fargo Park District employs more than 180 seasonal and part-time staff to assist our full-time crews. We couldn't care for all of our parks and facilities without their help. Generally, seasonal staff work from April until October or from late May to late August, depending on their schedules and availability.
We are always looking for additional help. If you are interested in seasonal or part-time work visit our Employment page for current opportunities!
In order to keep our green spaces beautiful and healthy, crews begin spraying and fertilizing (covers approximately 2,000 acres) in the spring and continue into the fall. Employees are licensed as commercial applicators through the State of North Dakota. All chemicals used are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and applied according to label instructions.
The Fargo Park District does not apply mosquito control chemicals. The chemicals that are applied are most commonly herbicides for broadleaf weed control, fungicides and fertilizer.
Our parks are public spaces and open to the community all year around, but some amenities do have to be closed in the fall and reopened in the spring.
Opening of amenities is dependent on air temperature, amount of snow and flooding levels. Water will be turned on and bathrooms opened as soon as staff has determined that most of the freezing potential has passed. Portable bathroom facilities are placed near existing permanent bathroom structures as a temporary measure until bathrooms are opened again in the spring.
Make sure to follow Fargo Park District social media and the Latest News page of our website for important updates regarding park amenities.
River accessories must be removed in the fall to prepare for winter and freezing temperatures and reinstalled for public use in the spring. The floating bridge, kayak launches and docks are installed as soon as ice and river levels allow. Docks are generally installed first as they are the easiest to remove quickly should weather or river levels change suddenly. Historically, river accessories are installed in May.
Make sure to follow Fargo Park District social media and the Latest News page of our website for important updates regarding park amenities.
We love clean parks! Crews begin cleaning up garbage as soon as it begins to thaw from snowbanks. If you notice any areas that need extra attention, please submit a maintenance request form or text "GARBAGE" to 701-997-7275.
If you are passionate about parks and would like to help keep them clean, we gladly accept help from volunteers. Whether you are by yourself or with a group, the Fargo Park District has ongoing and short-term volunteer openings for many interests through out the year. Visit our Volunteer page for more information or call 701-551-5891.
Summer Maintenance
The Fargo Park District has dedicated staff to mowing and caring for our five public golf courses, sports fields and over 1,200 acres of parks. Large, open areas are mowed by large area mowers and crews. Trim crews then mow and trim areas that large mowers are unable to access.
We strive to mow parks weekly at a cutting level of 2.5". Weather, equipment and staffing can cause unexpected delays. If you notice an area that could use extra attention, please fill out a maintenance request form or text "MOW" to 701-997-7275.
Much of our mowing is done by seasonal crews. If you are interested in seasonal or part-time work visit our Employment page for current opportunities!
Fall Maintenance
Parks are public spaces and open to the community year around. However, some amenities must be closed in the fall and opened in the spring.
Park amenities generally close once snow falls or temperatures are consistently below freezing. Water will be turned off and bathrooms will be closed once freezing temperatures are forecasted. Portable bathroom facilities are placed near existing permanent bathroom structures as a temporary measure until bathrooms are opened again in the spring.
Make sure to follow Fargo Park District social media and the Latest News page of our website for important updates regarding park amenities.
River accessories must be removed in the fall to prepare for freezing water and snowfall. Kayak launches are generally removed on 15th October, and floating bridges and docks are removed as soon as temperatures are low enough to allow ice to form on the river. If snowfall is predicted, accessories might have to be removed sooner as these conditions make it more difficult and dangerous for our crews to work.
Make sure to follow Fargo Park District social media and the Latest News page of our website for important updates regarding river accessories.
Community gardens are tilled starting in mid-October. All desired produce must be harvested and stakes, fencing and other materials removed before October 15. Anything not removed will be taken to the landfill, recycled or tilled. Tenants of any plots not properly picked up will be notified and may lose future use of the garden.
Crews will continue to mow grass and mulch leaves until a major snow event or until frozen ground creates turf damage.
Many of our seasonal staff finish in late August and our crews become much smaller. If you notice any areas that could use extra attention, please fill out a maintenance request form or text "MOW" to 701-997-7275.
We are always looking for additional help, especially in the late summer and fall. If you are interested in seasonal or part-time work visit our Employment page for current opportunities!