Top Three Rules of Thumb

Submitted by koliver on Thu, 11/12/2020 - 20:20

The Square

Please review ALL verbiage requests listed above, but in a snapshot summary, we ask that people generally refer to our space as “Broadway Square” or “The Square” in daily communication, and “Fargo Broadway Square” when delineating Fargo’s Broadway Square from other geographically remote Broadway Squares.

Written Word Identity

Submitted by koliver on Thu, 11/12/2020 - 20:18


Broadway Square

“Broadway Square” is the official name of Fargo’s Broadway Square civic plaza, and a proper noun. Please, do NOT refer to us as The Broadway Square – similar to Starbucks or Target.


Submitted by koliver on Thu, 11/12/2020 - 20:12

Broadway Square works to convey our values in action as we share the stories and accomplishments of The Square. In an effort to create an evolving dialogue with our community, we focus on the themes of engaged community members, collaborations, placemaking efforts and activations, inclusive amenities, urban design and various methods of storytelling through art.

Visual Identity

Submitted by koliver on Thu, 11/12/2020 - 20:04

Using Broadway Square Logos

The Broadway Square logo should be used in black or white when printing or for online applications. Approval is always required before materials are published, printed, or otherwise used for public view. Please send print-ready mockups to for approval prior to publishing, allowing no less than 48 hours for a review and response.

Do NOT create any additional logo lock-ups, unless given approval by Broadway Square management or the Block 9 Partners to do so.

Branding Guidelines

Using our brand consistently and correctly is important to us. We ask that this guide is referenced frequently and adhered to when discussing, promoting or partnering with Broadway Square. This document contains all the information Broadway Square staff and each of its partners, collaborators and friends need to know to help represent us. Included in this document you will find our brand story and identity as well as usage guidelines for logos, colors, fonts and the written word.