Tharaldson Baseball Complex

46.840615683388, -96.852572883606

Tharaldson Baseball Complex has three irrigated and fully lit grass infields with a newly renovated Starion turf field. The complex plays host to Fargo Youth and Legion Baseball, high school, amateur and Fargo Park District Youth Flag Football.


2401 42nd Street SW
Fargo, ND 58104
United States

Cornerstone Bank Arena

46.843452302402, -96.858410757672

Cornerstone Bank Arena provides practice facilities for hockey and ice skating enthusiasts. This multipurpose ice facility has two sheets of ice, concessions and locker rooms.


4404 23rd Avenue SW
Fargo, ND 58104
United States

Roosevelt Park

46.891430466965, -96.79284775

Roosevelt Park has a hockey rink, outdoor skating, picnic tables, a playground, restrooms, an indoor shelter space available for rent in the summer and a warming house.


1220 9th Street N
Fargo, ND 58102
United States

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Rabanus Sand Volleyball Complex

46.853261651457, -96.855467775533

This 8-court complex is one of the finest in the Midwest with 18-inches of pure super-soft mason sand. Rabanus Sand Volleyball Complex also offers picnic tables and shelters that are available by the courts on a first come, first serve basis.


4301 18th Avenue SW
Fargo, ND 58103
United States

North Softball Complex

46.9573647882, -96.859316730372

This complex has eight-diamond championship rings with four fast pitch fields and four slow pitch fields. North Softball Complex also features two five-diamond pods of slow pitch fields.


6063 45th Street N
Fargo, ND 58102
United States

Metro Recreation Center

46.87525166813, -96.829341730059

Metro Recreation Center features indoor turf year round making it a very versatile facility. The space is great for soccer, football, lacrosse, tag and even golf putting.


3110 Main Avenue
Fargo, ND 58103
United States

Madison Pool & Splash Pad

46.887615189041, -96.827148651065

Madison Pool & Splash Pad is a small neighborhood type facility with a zero-depth splash pad, a small wading pool and a small swimming pool with water depth ranging from 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 feet. The Splash Pad is a zero-depth, spray and play area intended to create water fun for youth of all ages, as well as energize children's imagination and learning.


1040 29th Street N
Fargo, ND 58102
United States

Madison Park & Bicycle Playground

46.88860882956, -96.827455249074

Madison Park has baseball/softball fields, basketball court, outdoor skating and hockey rink, grill and picnic tables, playground, shelter, soccer field, small beginner skate park and a warming house. It also features the Madison Bicycle Playground which consists of a concrete pump track, single track dirt trails and a variety of challenge obstacles for kids of all skill levels to show off their road skills.


3010 11th Avenue N
Fargo, ND 58102
United States