Broadway Square

46.8780453, -96.7873666

Broadway Square is a central place for the community to gather. The Square is programmed by the Fargo Park District with live music, kid-friendly events, a green space, ice-skating rink and much more.


201 Broadway
Fargo , ND 58102
United States


Submitted by jkorynta on Fri, 10/16/2020 - 16:06


  1. Each team will consist of 4 players. 

  1. If two teams are playing: 

We will play standard rules with one team targeting solid balls and the other stripes.  If the 8-ball is sunk before the end of the game, that team loses.  When attempting to sink the 8-ball after all the team’s object balls have been cleared, the team may choose which player they would like to take the shot regardless of where they are in the rotation.  The player must call the pocket prior to the shot 


Submitted by jkorynta on Fri, 10/16/2020 - 16:04


  1. Each team will consist of all of their players  

  1. Team members will stand on their respective side of the tarp. No team members are allowed to look at the other team’s board  

  1. At the beginning of the game, each team will have 30 seconds to place their ships on their grid however they choose. After the time is up, the ships are not allowed to move  


Submitted by jkorynta on Fri, 10/16/2020 - 16:03


  1. Each team will have 4 participants compete individually (one-at-a-time). 

  1. Each player will attempt to place as many pieces into the board as they can in 60 seconds. 

  1. At the end of the time, each piece correctly placed will be earn 5 points with a bonus 10 points if all pieces are placed. 

  1. The four players scores will be average for the team result. 


Hungry, Hungry Hippos

Submitted by jkorynta on Fri, 10/16/2020 - 16:03


  1. Each team will consist of 2 players at a time 

  1. Player 1 will lay on their stomach on a scooter while holding a basket upside down. This player is the “hippo” 

  1. Player 2 will grab player 1’s feet to move them  

  1. Each team will start with their scooter behind their own starting line 

  1. Once the game begins, each team will have 1 minute to capture as many balls as possible from the center