About Us

Our Story

Every city needs a community gathering space, and Fargo’s Broadway Square is designed to be just that - a place for the community to gather and share ideas, stories, experiences and perspectives.

Get Involved

Broadway Square's goal is to amplify authentic voices, opportunities, creative visions and organizations in our community. Our placemaking approach for leading this new community gathering space is all about community involvement and engagement. We look forward to collaborating with you in a wide range of ways, see all the ways you can participate and shape the Square below.

Broadway Square Programming

Broadway Square is all about sharing meaningful stories and providing transformative experiences. It’s focused on exploring diverse perspectives, passionately sharing knowledge and lived experiences and creating memorable moments for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. We are dedicated to producing and presenting new, exciting, outside-the-box and uniquely Fargo activities that leave a lasting impression and have a meaningful impact on our community.

This image shows the Broadway Square banner

Block 9 Partners Reveal Official Plaza Name

This image shows Broadway Square's manager, Ana, speaking at the Broadway Square Launch.

Ana Rusness-Petersen named as Broadway Square manager