A Broadway Square sponsorship shows your pride in and support of our community, can gather brand visibility and awareness and offers unique product distribution and promotion opportunities. Whether you are looking for a quick sign-and-go package to invest in that gets your name out there or you want to spend time with us carefully curating an individualized package of sponsorship opportunities and benefits that meet your organizational goals, we offer a wide range of options and are here to help you find the ideal sponsorship fit for you.
Sponsorships are also a key component in the successful ongoing operation of Broadway Square and influence our ability to offer quality events at little or no cost.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Our sponsorship opportunities range anywhere from $50 to $100,000 and offer a variety of benefits. A sponsorship with Broadway Square is more of a partnership – we want to work with you to curate a package of sponsor benefits and engagement opportunities that will really help your organization reach its goals, whether those are growing your brand recognition, engaging your social media audience in a new way, developing an audience for your latest product or wanting to support your community in a meaningful way.
We have 4 core types of sponsorships that each offer a slightly different opportunity or benefit:
- Naming Sponsorships
- Programming Sponsorships
- Adopt-An-Amenity Sponsorships
- Dasher Board Sponsorships
We are always in the process of expanding our network of potential sponsorship partners. If you are interested in exploring sponsorship opportunities at Broadway Square, email us to start a conversation.