How can I get involved?

Submitted by tbender on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 16:36

We could not do this important work without the support and help from YOU, our community! 

There are many ways you can get involved with the UPP Project. 

Join us for for a Monarch Butterfly Tagging Event on August 17

Join Audubon Great Plains and the Fargo Park District for an evening of community science and wonder at a Monarch Tagging Event on Thursday, August 17 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Urban Plains Parks, 3020 51st Street S, Fargo. 

Will any other wildlife benefit?

Submitted by tbender on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 16:28

All wildlife will benefit from native prairie planting. The prairie plants attract insects which provide food for many upland birds, such as grouse, prairie chickens, pheasants and partridge. Also, many small mammals rely on insects for food. The prairie also provides nesting, bedding and sanctuary cover from many animals including turkeys and deer. 

Why is the UPP Project important?

Submitted by tbender on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 16:17

Pollinators need prairies AND prairies need pollinators! 

Did you know that tall-grass prairie once covered roughly the entire eastern one-fourth of North Dakota? Unfortunately, over 72% of our native prairies have been converted to other uses such as cropland, urban expansion and energy development. 

With the loss of prairies comes a sharp decline in grassland birds, insect pollinators and other critters important to the health and vitality of our natural spaces. 

Where will urban prairies be planted?

Submitted by tbender on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 16:05

After careful consideration, UPP Project partners and organizers selected space in six Fargo Parks as locations to plant and maintain small urban pollinator gardens and tracts of native prairie. 

  • North Softball Complex - 25 acres
  • Mickelson Fields - 6.5 acres
  • Golden Valley Park - 2.75 acres
  • Eagle Valley Park - 2.2 acres
  • Forest River Park - 5 acres
  • Orchard Glen - 3.75 acres