Follow these directions to register for swimming lessons:

Submitted by koliver on Tue, 10/13/2020 - 10:18

1. Anyone may register immediately for any ONE session of swimming lessons.
2. To sign up for an additional session, you must wait until the session that you are currently in has ended, allowing you to register for the next appropriate level. This will also allow everyone the opportunity to register and participate in at least one session. We will not issue refunds to people that sign up for the wrong levels and want to switch.

Level 6/Pre-Lifeguard

Submitted by koliver on Tue, 10/13/2020 - 10:16

Students will continue to develop their swimming endurance and begin learning intermediate life-saving skills. Pre-lifeguarding skills will be taught in order to prepare students to be good babysitters/nannies and/or future lifeguards. This level will be a benefit to any student who spends time around water during the summer months and will ensure students are prepared to pass the water skills requirements for lifeguarding certifications.


Water Entries:

Level 5

Submitted by koliver on Tue, 10/13/2020 - 10:16

Students will continue to work on their basic, intermediate, and advanced swimming strokes, focusing on endurance, refinement, and mastery. Various forms of diving, such as suface dives and diving from the starting blocks, will be introduced.

Skills List:

Water Entries

Level 4

Submitted by koliver on Tue, 10/13/2020 - 10:15

Students will continue developing their swimming endurance and begin working on more advanced swimming strokes, such as the side stroke and butterfly. Basic life saving practices, such as a reach-throw technique, will be introduced that focus specifically on staying safe around pools, lakes, and rivers.

Skills List:

Water Entries

Level 3

Submitted by koliver on Tue, 10/13/2020 - 10:15

Students will begin working on their swimming endurance along with more intermediate swimming skills such as the breaststroke and diving.

Skills List:
