Project Sponsor Certification
The project sponsor must certify that they have the necessary funds for their share of the total estimated project’s cost.
The project sponsor must certify that they have the necessary funds for their share of the total estimated project’s cost.
Projects on School District property are funded up to 33 1/3 % or $15,000, whichever is less.
Projects are funded at no more than 50 percent of the total estimated cost, or up to a maximum of $15,000, whichever is less. The Matching Grant Program provides a dollar-for-dollar match. The program does not consider matching funds for projects with in-kind expenses. The Fargo Park Board, at its discretion, may approve funding proposals of more than $15,000. The minimum project size for this program is $2,500.
Letters are sent to all applicants, indicating the approval or denial of grant money. For those approved, an agreement is sent to the successful project sponsors, which states the provisions of the grant funds.
Applications are reviewed by the Fargo Park District Foundation Board and staff who make recommendations to the Fargo Park Board for final approval
The Fargo Park Board shall determine how many funds, if any, are available each budget year for matching funds and may change or make exceptions to the amount at any time.
Currently not accepting applications at this time.
Currently not accepting applications at this time.
Associations, organizations, clubs, or individuals in the Fargo Park District who are interested in applying for a grant to sponsor a project may apply. Projects must be facility improvements and may include the purchase of recreation equipment.