Submitted by jkorynta on Fri, 10/16/2020 - 16:04


  1. Each team will consist of all of their players  

  1. Team members will stand on their respective side of the tarp. No team members are allowed to look at the other team’s board  

  1. At the beginning of the game, each team will have 30 seconds to place their ships on their grid however they choose. After the time is up, the ships are not allowed to move  

  1. Each team will take turns guessing the location of the opposing team’s ships. If the guess is correct, the opposing team must say “hit”. If the guess is wrong, the opposing team must say “miss” 

  1. After each guess, the team that guessed must switch out their guesser so that everyone gets a chance to play 

  1. The first team to sink all of the other team’s ships is the winner 


  • The team that wins receives 200 points, the losing team receives 100 points