Submitted by Marketing Intern on Fri, 10/16/2020 - 08:59

1. At check-in, campers will receive key card(s) and operating instructions to access the campground restroom and shower facility. 
2. Only one person should be in the restroom at a time. Multiple members from the same household or parents with young children are the only exceptions. 
3. Please be respectful of the one person at a time rule and expedite restroom use, as others may be waiting outside. Restroom is private for 15 minutes. 
4. DO NOT prop the restroom door open at any time. 
5. DO NOT hold the door open for the person using the restroom after you. Allow the door to close, so they can activate the lock with their assigned key card. 
6. At the end of your stay place cards in the designated slot on the front of the Info Center sign, so they can be sanitized for the next camper. Failure to return key will result in a $25 per key charge. 
7. Bathrooms by Campground B do not requires a key card. Showers are only available at the main facility.