Submitted by tbender on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 16:27

Pollinators are hard-working animals and insects that fertilize plants, resulting in the formation of seeds and the fruit surrounding seeds. Pollinators help pollinate over 75% of our flowering plants and nearly 75% of our crops. Read below about a few our favorite pollinators that will directly benefit from the UPP Project: 

  • Bees and Wasps are maybe the most important pollinators in the world North Dakota is home to so many bee and wasp species we can't even count them all! But it's estimated that there are hundreds. 
  • Butterflies and Moths might be the most beautiful pollinators with patterned and often brightly colored wings. About 150 species of butterflies and more than 1,400 species of moths call North Dakota home!
  • Birds are critical in wildflower pollination and contribute heavily to the overall health of prairie land. The UPP Project will provide critical habitat to grassland birds, including North Dakota's state bird, the Western Meadowlark.