Submitted by kmccormick on Fri, 11/13/2020 - 17:31
  • In 1939 the original Island Park Pool was built through the Federal Government's Works Progress Administration. The pool was originally located where the Scherling Complex Tennis Courts stand today.
  • In the 1950's the lifeguard staff at Island Park put on an annual water show. They had clown acts, synchronized swimming, diving and dancing.
  • On a Tuesday in July 1956, there was an attendance record set of 4,022 swimmers at Island Park Pool breaking the record set the Monday before of 3,757.
  • In 1958, admission at the Island Park Pool was 10 cents for children under 12 or $4.00 for a season ticket. 12 to 18 year olds were 15 cents or $5.00 for a season ticket. Adults were $0.25 or $7.00 for a season ticket.
  • November of 1958 the Harry Howland pool was completed. It was located at the southeast corner of the Red River Valley Fairgrounds, near Broadway and 17th Avenue North
  • In 1977, the current Island Park Pool was constructed at the corner of First Avenue South and Seventh Street and incorporated an art deco-style portion of the Fargo Arena as the backdrop for diving boards.
  • In 2021, the Northside Recreational Pool was officially renamed the Roger G. Gress Northside Pool after longtime Fargo Park District Executive Director Roger G. Gress. The construction of the outdoor pool was one of Gress' first major projects as Parks Director in 1997.