Submitted by sdambrosio on Tue, 10/27/2020 - 10:59
  • Penalties are called for rule infractions. Penalties called by the rink manager/official are final. a minor penalty results in [possession of the puck awarded to the opposing team. rink officials have the discretion to also award a goal to the opposing team when a minor penalty us flagrant and/or a team is consistently playing in a reckless manner.
  • Any major penalty, which includes an ion that could possibly injure another player, results in that player being ejected from the tournament. The team that received the ejection plays the remaining game short-handed. The rink official determines major penalties. (No players can be added if others are lost to major penalties). 
  • Abuse of officials is considered a major penalty. This includes yelling, swearing, or arguing about calls.
  • Absolutely no checking is allowed. Such action results in a minor penalty unless deemed serious enough to be a major.
  • No slap shots are allowed. Such action results in a minor penalty.
  • Players cannot fall or lay on the ice in efforts to protect the goal area. Such action results in a minor penalty.
  • Goaltending is a minor penalty (See GamePlay #10).
  • Contacting the puck with a stick above the waist results in a minor penalty.
  • Teams must give opponents half-ice after a goal is scored or it is considered a minor penalty.

*Rules are subject to change. They may be adjusted by tournament coordinators as they deem necessary.