Submitted by jkorynta on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 12:06

All IPS vendors must provide a Certificate of General Liability Insurance 

Insurance forms must: 

*Please note a certificate holder is not the same as an additional insured and a policy declaration is not the same as a Certificate of Liability.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Island Park Show Insurance Requirements 

Why do I have to have Commercial General Liability coverage? 

  • As a business owner that sells items, products or services for a profit, you should have the proper coverage in case you have a claim due to your business operations. Homeowners Insurance alone does not properly cover business activities.   

Does my homeowner's insurance provide the coverage you require at the show? 

  • No, Homeowner's Insurances alone does not properly cover business activities. That is why we are not accepting Certificates of Insurance listing a Homeowners Insurance policy.    

What if I have a business endorsement on my homeowner's insurance? 

  • If the applicant(s) have a Business Endorsement on their Homeowners Insurance policy, a copy of the endorsement must be sent for review before the Certificate of Insurance are accepted as proper proof. The Fargo Park Districts insurance representative provides the final opinion. 

Do I need to list the Fargo Park District as Additional Insured? 

  • The Additional Insured requirement remains.  Proof of this requirement must be represented on the Certificate of Insurance in the coverage section of the certificate, in the 2nd to the left-hand column titled “Add’l Insrd”.  We also request that the show title and dates be listed in the last box titled “Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles/ Exclusions added by Endorsement/Special Provision”.  The Fargo Park District should also be listed as Certificate Holder.  ALL of these requirements must be met in order for the Certificate to be accepted as meeting the requirements. The Fargo Park District cannot be listed only in the Certificate Holder box without the other two requirements.   

What if my Insurance Company or Policy cannot provide the Additional Insured coverage that is requested? 

  • The show applicant decides if they want to pursue another insurance policy or if they want to decline their invitation to the Island Park Show. Refunds are not given after April 15 of show year, based on the vendor or insurance agency’s choosing not to acquire the requested Certificate with Endorsements.  

Why do I need to list the Fargo Park District as Additional Insured? 

  • The Additional Insured endorsement extends the vendor's insurance coverage to the location of the site you are doing business. The Additional Insured acquires limited protection and defense coverage up to the limits in your policy for a lawsuit alleging negligence. Your policy would pay on behalf of the Fargo Park District, as well as your behalf, when your acts, or omissions, or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf are the sole, or partial cause of “bodily injury,” “property damage,” and “personal and advertising injury” as defined in the policy. All of this protection is subject to the terms and conditions of your policy and must be in connection with your operations, or in connection with the premises you own or lease.  Since you are leasing a space at Island Park Show to operate your business, the Fargo Park District is requesting this endorsement for the limited days of the show. 

Who do I contact with questions? 

  • Vendors and Insurance Professionals are encouraged to contact the Fargo Park District office to clarify any of the application requirements before a full application to the show is made.  Contact Tatiana Friese, Event Supervisor, at