Submitted by jkorynta on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 11:06



  • Each team consists of 4 players. 
    • If two teams are playing: We play by standard rules with one team targeting solid balls and the other stripes. If the 8-ball is sunk before the end of the game, that team loses. When attempting to sink the 8-ball after all the team’s object balls have been cleared, the team may choose which player they would like to take the shot regardless of where they are in the rotation. The player must call the pocket prior to the shot. 
    • If three teams are playing: We are playing Cutthroat Pool meaning teams are going after a set of numbered balls. Balls 1-5 are “low”, balls 6-10 are “mid”, balls 11-15 are “high”.  Stripes/solids do not matter. There is no special rule regarding the 8-ball. 
  • Rock-paper-scissors determine who breaks. 
  • If during the break, the cue ball goes into a pocket, the balls are re-racked, and the other team breaks. 
  • Play proceeds with one member of a team kicking the cue ball towards an object ball with the goal of getting the object ball through one of the pockets.   
  • A player continues to kick shots until they foul (sinking the cue- or opposing team’s ball) or fail to sink an object ball. Then it is the opposing player's turn. 
  • Play continues as such alternating between teams and rotating through players on each team until the game ends. 
  • Should a player sink the cue-ball during their turn, the opposing team is able to position the cue ball anywhere on the play space behind the designated line. 
  • The game ends when a team has sunk all of their object balls resulting in their win. If playing with 3 teams, play continues until the second team clears their ball from the game. 
  • Should the play time run out prior to a winner (and/or second place) being determined, the team with the fewest balls remaining in play is declared the winner. 


  • The team to clear the area of their pool balls is declared the winner. Should time run out before a winner (and/or 2nd place) is determined, the team with the fewest balls remaining in play is declared the winner. 
  • Point values for 3 team games: 
    • First: 300 points 
    • Second: 200 points 
    • Third: 100 points 
      • In the event of a tie:  
        • If there is a tie for 1st place, both teams are awarded 250 points with 3rd place being awarded 100. 
        • If there is a tie for 2nd place, the first-place team is awarded 300 points and the tied teams are awarded 150 points each. 
  • Point values for 2 team games: 
    • First: 300 points 
    • Second: 100 points 
    • In the event of a tie: Both teams are awarded 200 points