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Explore, unwind and shop at Island Park Show! Shop for a unique treasure to take home from 100+ different booths featuring makers of fine arts and crafts.
Mothers of little ones, take a break in our nursing tent to put your feet up while caring for your baby's needs. Lounge at a picnic table in the shade and listen to live entertainment featuring some of the area's best performers.
Between all the shopping and entertainment, be sure to grab yourself a tasty treat from our wide variety of food vendors.
If you want to apply to be a vendor, click here to register your 2025 booth.
Island Park Show Vendor Guidelines
Applications are now live for the 2025 Island Park Show.
These rules govern the operation, administration, and management of the Island Park Show. Island Park Show and the Fargo Park District implement and enforce all rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of the event. Island Park Show may change, delete, or modify the event rules and regulations at any time, and take any reasonable action to enforce them after notification of changes to all vendors.
Event Contact Information
- Email:
- Website:
- Address: 701 Main Ave, Fargo, ND 58103
Island Park Show [IPS] is one of the largest outdoor events of the summer put on by the Fargo Park District. Its purpose is to support our local and nationwide craft participants on a wide variety of vendors and their original handcrafted work. We encourage our vendors to bring a variety of arts including homemade crafts such as jewelry, woodwork, photography, clothing, food items, and much more. This event is free to the public.
Application Process
Those wishing to participate in Island Park Show [IPS] must complete an application form, provide appropriate documentation, valid insurance information, and make the appropriate vendor payments before selling at the event. The application to be a vendor at Island Park Show 2025 will open November 1, 2024. Check back here for the application link.
Please note that all new applicants products are reviewed by a jury before being accepted into the show and are notified for approval/denial via email. Only handcrafted work will be considered for entry into the show.
- All application materials are due by 12:00 AM on June 1 of the event year to be included in the first round of acceptances.
- Applications after June 1st may be accepted upon review provided space is available and there is need for additional vendor variety.
- Application decisions are sent by June 24th or within 4 weeks for late applicants.
- Electronic submission of all forms is required.
- All new and returning vendors must apply annually.
Admissions Considerations
Admission priority is based upon, but not limited to:
- Compliance of guidelines and copies of all permits and licenses required for the sale of the applicant’s products.
- An understanding of and adherence to the IPS mission.
- All vendors' products are hand crafted by the vendors themselves.
- Space availability at the event.
- Event needs of overall vendor assortment.
- The vendor’s positive history with IPS (including adherence to event rules and regulations, event attendance, conduct, and timely payment of fees).
Judging During Event
Each year we hold an on-site jury process. This process consists of three judges to view all booths at the event between Saturday and Sunday event times. Below are a couple of rules and regulations that go along with our on-site jury:
- Please do not talk to the judges when they are in your booth. However, you may answer any questions that they may ask.
- Please do not be offended if the judge is quick about scoring in your booth. The jury needs to visit all the booths in a timely manner.
- The booths will be judged from 1-10 on originality, craftsmanship and over all booth set up.
- You are notified of the results of the on-site jury by email no later than October 1st following the event. You may also receive further instructions on the application process for the next year’s show at that time. Please ensure the Fargo Park District has your correct email address on file.
- All vendors must abide by all applicable federal, state and local health regulations and laws in preparation, labeling and safety of the product(s) s/he brings to the IPS.
- All permits and licenses required by Cass County, the State of North Dakota, or the Federal Government are the sole responsibility of the vendors.
- Any required sales tax collections and remittances are the sole responsibility of the vendors. Sellers of crafts, art, and ready to eat food items must follow North Dakota sales tax procedures and provide proper documentation to the IPS.
All IPS vendors must provide a Certificate of General Liability Insurance
Insurance forms must:
- Have a statement of at least $1,000,000.00 general liability coverage
- Have Fargo Park District listed as “additional insured”
- Must have the insurance dates cover all the event dates.
- Click here to see an example insurance certificate.
*Please note a certificate holder is not the same as an additional insured and a policy declaration is not the same as a Certificate of Liability.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Island Park Show Insurance Requirements
Why do I have to have Commercial General Liability coverage?
- As a business owner that sells items, products or services for a profit, you should have the proper coverage in case you have a claim due to your business operations. Homeowners Insurance alone does not properly cover business activities.
Does my homeowner's insurance provide the coverage you require at the show?
- No, Homeowner's Insurances alone does not properly cover business activities. That is why we are not accepting Certificates of Insurance listing a Homeowners Insurance policy.
What if I have a business endorsement on my homeowner's insurance?
- If the applicant(s) have a Business Endorsement on their Homeowners Insurance policy, a copy of the endorsement must be sent for review before the Certificate of Insurance are accepted as proper proof. The Fargo Park Districts insurance representative provides the final opinion.
Do I need to list the Fargo Park District as Additional Insured?
- The Additional Insured requirement remains. Proof of this requirement must be represented on the Certificate of Insurance in the coverage section of the certificate, in the 2nd to the left-hand column titled “Add’l Insrd”. We also request that the show title and dates be listed in the last box titled “Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles/ Exclusions added by Endorsement/Special Provision”. The Fargo Park District should also be listed as Certificate Holder. ALL of these requirements must be met in order for the Certificate to be accepted as meeting the requirements. The Fargo Park District cannot be listed only in the Certificate Holder box without the other two requirements.
What if my Insurance Company or Policy cannot provide the Additional Insured coverage that is requested?
- The show applicant decides if they want to pursue another insurance policy or if they want to decline their invitation to the Island Park Show. Refunds are not given after April 15 of show year, based on the vendor or insurance agency’s choosing not to acquire the requested Certificate with Endorsements.
Why do I need to list the Fargo Park District as Additional Insured?
- The Additional Insured endorsement extends the vendor's insurance coverage to the location of the site you are doing business. The Additional Insured acquires limited protection and defense coverage up to the limits in your policy for a lawsuit alleging negligence. Your policy would pay on behalf of the Fargo Park District, as well as your behalf, when your acts, or omissions, or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf are the sole, or partial cause of “bodily injury,” “property damage,” and “personal and advertising injury” as defined in the policy. All of this protection is subject to the terms and conditions of your policy and must be in connection with your operations, or in connection with the premises you own or lease. Since you are leasing a space at Island Park Show to operate your business, the Fargo Park District is requesting this endorsement for the limited days of the show.
Who do I contact with questions?
- Vendors and Insurance Professionals are encouraged to contact the Fargo Park District office to clarify any of the application requirements before a full application to the show is made. Contact Tatiana Friese, Event Supervisor, at
Eligible Products
- Vendor-made crafts and artwork
- Vendor-made health and body care products
- Home-Processed, Home-Canned and Home-Baked foods
The following may not be sold without a license: fish, dairy, poultry, and meat products which include smoked fish, butter, milk, and jerky, and potentially hazardous products such flavored oils.
Prohibited Products
- Resale and direct marketing
- Live birds or live animals
- Products purchased by a seller that have not been approved by Fargo Cass Environmental Health Division (sodas, water, coffee, and tea)
- Products processed and sold under a brand name other than the vendors are not allowed.
- Certain home-processed or home-canned foods, such as home-canned fish, pickled eggs, and home-canned meat
- Other:
- Political propaganda
- Franchise and direct sales business
- Electronics and related accessories
- Any products or items deemed inappropriate by IPS Director
Food Samples
Vendor food samples must be prepared/presented in a safe and sanitary manner. The vendor must provide a trash receptacle for the disposal of any sampling materials, such as cups, utensils or toothpicks at their booth.
Product Categories
- Apparel
- Food and Beverage
- Furniture
- Glass/Porcelain
- Graphics/Photography
- Jewelry
- Natural
- Painting
- Pottery/Ceramics
- Sculptures/Metalwork
- Textile
- Toys
- Woodwork Decorative
Daily Operations
- Vendors can start to set up their booths starting at 12:00 pm on the Friday before Island Park Show.
- Vendors may also set up their booth Saturday morning if desired.
- The show begins exactly at 10:00 am on the first event day.
- No sales are allowed before this time.
- Vendors must tear down at 4:00 pm on the final day of the event.
- No early teardown is allowed for any vendor.
- Early teardown may result in not being allowed to return in the future.
- The show still goes on in rain or shine. However, a decision to cancel, or delay the market due to severe weather can be made by the Event Director.
- Vendors are notified by email and cancellations are posted on the Island Park Show Facebook event page and the Fargo Park District website to update customers.
Booth Assignment
The Event Director assigns booth placement prior to the event date. It is the sole discretion of the Event Director to determine the spaces and where the vendors are placed. Vendor locations are not permanent and may be changed at the discretion of the Island Park Show [IPS] Director.
In making any determination in this regard IPS considers the following:
- Returning vendors are given priority for requested booth placement
- Vendor category
- Booth electricity needs
- Other special requests of vendors
*Please note that booths can remain in the park and stay up overnight at the owner's discretion. We provide evening security officer in place starting Friday from 6:30 pm until dawn, and Saturday from 5:30 pm until dawn. Fargo Park District is not liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged items prior, during, or after the show.
Cancellation Policy
- Vendors who cannot attend the IPS on the event dates must contact the Event Director at least 1 week prior to the IPS event, violators are reconsidered for placement in the following years.
- To be eligible to receive a refund of fees, vendors must notify the Event Director of their cancellation in writing by July 1st of the event year. Notices received after that point forfeit all registration fees.
- These cancellation policies may be modified based on on-going health guidelines.
Vendor Practices
Just a friendly reminder, we ask that you do not use aggressive sales tactics with the Island Park Show attendees. We want to remind each vendor you are given a twelve-foot by twelve-foot space designated for your booth. We do not tolerate the hustling of attendees on the pathways, neighboring booths, or other locations. We want to show the community the creative and unique pieces each of you makes and has a friendly successful weekend for all.
- The IPS Management does not enforce a pricing policy, but vendors should price products at fair market value and not undercut other vendors at the event
- All IPS vendors should represent themselves in an appropriate manner, dress and state of cleanliness. Shirt and shoes must be worn at all times. Depending on on-going health guidelines a the time of the event, facemasks may be required.
- Neither the vendor nor their representatives may be impaired by alcohol or marijuana or illegal substances at any time while in the park's premises. This includes our no smoking policy (including electronic cigarettes).
- All vendors agree to abide by fair business practices.
- In alignment with the best health/food safety practices, vendors are not to bring animals if they are selling food products. The IPS reserves the right to ask the owner of an animal to leave.
- Vendors can have animals at their booth if they are not a distraction to other booths around you.
- Vendors must follow leash ordinances at all times
- IPS is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination. In keeping with this commitment, we do not tolerate unlawful harassment of our employees, vendors, or guests at the show. Harassment of any sort, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on a person’s race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation or disability is not allowed.
Vendors may register to receive a space of choice including:
- 12’ by 12’ for a single booth - $200 vendor fee
- 12’ by 24’ for a double booth - $390 vendor fee
- 12’ by 36’ for a triple booth - $580 vendor fee
- Island Park has limited electricity sources, only if necessary, vendors are placed next to the source, otherwise, vendors are responsible for their own electricity.
- All vendors requiring electricity need to bring their own commercial grade outdoor extension cord (suggested minimum of 25 feet) and commercial-grade outdoor splitter if needed.
- Generators can be brought in and used by any vendor. Generators should not be distracting to other booths around you
- The Event Director reserves the right to ask the owner to discontinue the use of the generator should it become a source of contention.
Materials to Bring
- Vendors are responsible for providing all items needed for their display.
- SUGGESTED to Bring:
- Canopy (10x10 E-Z Up tent or something similar)
- Canopy weights minimum 25lbs per tent leg (canopies may not be staked into the ground)
- Canopy Siding
- Table/ Tablecloth
- Signage with business name and pricing
- Recommended Supplies:
- Paper bags
- Shelves
- Tape
- Scissors
- Pencils and paper
- Method of processing credit card charges
- Enough change (IPS is unable to provide change for vendors)
- SUGGESTED to Bring:
- Vendors must display their booth number so it can be easily seen by judges at the event.
- All displays must be neat and tasteful. All properties of the vendor must be contained in the designated space. “Hawking” (calling attention to your products in a loud, repetitive manner) is not allowed.
- All vendors are required to post the prices of the products.
- All vendors must make certain the area is clean before leaving. Each vendor must remove all matter and debris from their area. This includes the area around the stall and in the common walkway. Trash must be completely removed without regard to whether the litter originated in the vendor's area or not and must be disposed of at the designated trash dumpsters.
The submission of the Vendor Application serves as the vendor’s agreement to abide by the rules of the event, enforced by event management.
- The 1st violation of the rules results in a verbal warning by the Event Director and a co-signed acknowledgment of 1st warning. Documentation of the warning is kept on file.
- The 2nd violation of the rules can result in dismissal from the Island Park Show.
- Vendors may use the green space along 7th Street, and streets surrounding Island Park. When parking in the green space along 7th Street, please allow small trailers and vans to park along the east side of the area by the recreation trail. If you need to park a long trailer or RV, please park along the west side closest to 7th Street.
- Pool Lot: Exhibitors may not park in the pool parking lot on 7th street Saturday and Sunday during the Show. Trailers, RVs or exhibitor vehicles are ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
- Prairie St. John’s Lot: There is typically parking for exhibitors in Prairie St. John’s parking lot. This is an annual agreement and you are notified prior to the event if parking is available at this location for the year. If parking is available, trailers and RV’s are asked to park at the back of the lot and closest to the Dike. Vendors may not plug into the power at the building or in the lot. Remember to pick up any litter and do not leave behind any boxes or garbage.
- Permission is required when parking in neighboring business lots for extended periods of time. Please contact the owner of business for permission. This includes parking in front of The Stage at Island Park and the YMCA.
- Parking along 1st Avenue is not advised. This is valuable customer parking and you may be ticketed or towed by the City for parking there for extended periods.
- Please note that there is no running water at Island Park, therefore we provide port-o-potties throughout the Park with handwashing stations. They are cleaned and stocked for each day of the event.
Lost and Found
- Our Lost-and-Found is located at the registration tent at the west parking lot by the Island Park Pool. We secure all items brought to us and return.
- There is one ATM on-site, located by the food court area on the west side of the park. No change is given by the Park District to vendors - you are responsible for cash handling.
Yellow Jackets/Bees
- According to area entomologists, yellow jackets are a problem at all late summer events that have lots of people, food and trash cans.
- Please let us know if you find nests or have another problem area so we can spray and place bee traps.
- These efforts do not eliminate the yellow jackets but may help to control them.
- If you or any of your customers are stung, please go to the nearest information booth or registration tent so that you can be cared for.
Booth Sitter
- If you need a booth sitter for yourself to grab food or use the restroom, please contact either the registration tent onsite (appropriate phone numbers are provided at the event)
- We have staff available to watch your booth for short periods of time if you are without other staff members.
Nursing Mother’s Space
- We have added a tent for nursing mothers. This tent is shown on the Island Park Show Map. If any mothers or families have questions, we ask you please guide them to this space.
Vendor Feedback
- We look forward to hearing your feedback about this year’s show. All vendors receive a survey in their email within a week following the event. We appreciate any and all feedback.