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Nerf Wars - Kindergarten through 6th Grade - Fargo Parks Logo - Little boy holding nerf gun in safety goggle and a blue jersey holding nerf gun


Get ready to experience the heart-pounding world of Nerf Wars, where foam darts fly, alliances are formed, and epic battles take place! Three sessions are offered per date, Kindergarten - 2nd grade and 3rd - 6th grade. The battleground? Metro Rec Center should give us plenty of room to dodge obstacles, strategize with teammates, and celebrate a win! 

Participation fee for each session is $18.00 and registration is separate for each date and on an individual basis! Hit up all your friends and sign up soon as spots are limited and sure to fill up fast! 

Fargo Park District Programs & Leagues

All Fargo Park District programs and leagues are first come first serve. Please be advised, a lot of programs and leagues fill up before the registration deadline. You cannot register for a program or league that is already full. Some programs and leagues have waitlists. If you are on a waitlist, you are NOT registered and are only contacted if a spot becomes available.