Monday, September 16, 2024
black background with white Fargo Park District logo and white text that says "Fargo Park District Board Meeting Recap September 10, 2024 5:30 pm"



In case you missed the Park Board Meeting on September 10, 2024 below are some highlights to be aware of.                

To view a full agenda and memos click HERE.  To view a full video recording of the meeting click HERE.    

Bid awarded to American Security & Gate Company for Rheault Farm Park fencing replacement project 

As part of the consent agenda, Commissioners voted 5-0 to award a bid to American Security & Gate Company for the fencing replacement project at Rheault Farm Park.    

Proposals were reviewed from two fencing companies and staff recommended the bid be awarded to American Security & Gate Company in the amount of $61,450. The bid met all specifications, is the lowest bid received, and is within the budgeted amount of $116,500.  

The project involves the replacement of the north and east fence lines at Rheault Farm Park. The existing wooden fences will be replaced with brown vinyl coated chain-link fencing with slates. The project is expected to start in mid-October and go through the end of October. All project dates are subject to change.  

Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Agreement with the City of Fargo for the construction of the Red River Phase II Trail and Drain 27 Trail Crossing projects 

As part of the consent agenda, Commissioners voted 5-0 to grant approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Agreement between the City of Fargo and the Fargo Park District.  

The agreement allows the City of Fargo to construct segments of two shared use paths in 2025 as part of the City’s overall pedestrian transportation system plan. The two segments will be a portion of the Red River Trail near River Drive South from 35th Avenue South to 40th Avenue South, and the Drain 27 Trail Crossing from 25th Street South to the Timberline Trail.  

The City of Fargo and the Fargo Park District both own parcels on which the shared use paths will be constructed. The local cost share will be split between the two entities for both projects. The Fargo Park District’s share is estimated to be $143,122 for the Red River Trail Phase II project and $151,558 for the Drain 27 Trail Crossing project. The Fargo Park District’s share was budgeted for in the 2025 concrete improvement budget. The City of Fargo has received Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grants from the Federal Highway Administration for the remaining costs of the projects.  

Approval granted to apply for the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District Recreation Grant and the Outdoor Heritage Fund Grant 

As part of the consent agenda, Commissioners voted 5-0 to grant permission for staff to apply for two grants: the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District Recreation Grant and the Outdoor Heritage Fund Grant.  

The Garrison Diversion Conservancy District Recreation grants may be requested for new recreation facilities and/or the enhancement or expansion of existing facilities. This matching grant can be used for projects located within the Garrison Diversion boundaries. If awarded, the Fargo Park District will use funds to upgrade the dugouts at Fields #3 and #4 (east fields) and to add a picnic shelter at the Anderson Softball Complex in 2025.  

North Dakota’s Outdoor Heritage Fund was established in 2013 as a multi-million-dollar program to provide grants to state agencies, tribal governments, political subdivisions, and nonprofit organizations. Under the Outdoor Heritage Fund, higher priority is given to projects that enhance conservation practices in the state by supporting one or more statutorily identified directives. The Fargo Park District plans to submit the Southwest Regional Pond Recreation Area enhancements project for grant consideration. The project would consist of concrete trails, gravel trails, native plantings, and park benches at the Southwest Regional Pond.  

Both grant opportunities require support of the governing body of an agency applying. 

Approval of City of Fargo ordinance enacting Article 10-14 of Chapter 10 of the Fargo Municipal Code relating to camping on public property 

Commissioners voted 5-0 to approve a resolution adopting a City of Fargo ordinance enacting Article 10-14 of Chapter 10 of the Fargo Municipal Code relating to camping on public property. 

Fargo Park District staff have been working closely with the City of Fargo on an ordinance and resolution prohibiting camping on public property and right aways throughout the City of Fargo.  

The Fargo Park District committed to adopting the terms and conditions regarding camping on public property as defined and described in the Fargo Camping ordinance and Fargo Camping resolution to create a uniform and consistent policy within and across the City of Fargo.  

Much of the riverfront property is owned collectively by either the Fargo Park District or the City of Fargo. The Fargo Park District resolution and ordinance will allow for the enforcement and management of camping on park property and extend authority for the Fargo Police Department to enforce the City of Fargo’s ordinance on all Fargo Park District property.  

The ordinance and resolution will take effect on September 11, 2024.  

Public Budget Hearing  

The Fargo Park District held its budget hearing after the regular board meeting was adjourned. President Aaron Hill opened the meeting at 6:00pm.  No public was present to speak to the board.  The meeting closed at 6:01pm. 

Media Contact: 

Tori Benders, Marketing and Communications Specialist                   

Fargo Park District                   
