The regular monthly board meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Park District of the City of Fargo will be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the Boardroom of the Park District offices at 701 Main Avenue, Fargo, with president Dawn Morgan presiding.
The meeting will also be streamed live for members of the public and media to view remotely. Please visit the following to view the live stream:
Fargo Park District Facebook Page
Fargo Park District YouTube Page
A. Call to Order
B. Approve Order of Agenda
Consent Agenda – approve the following:
a. Minutes – January 10, 2023 and January 30, 2023
b. January Bills
c. Bids for Forestry truck and chassis.
Regular Agenda
1. Recognition of Audience/Public Comments
2. Director’s Report
3. Sandhills Archery Club Presentation; Odin Helgerson, presenter.
4. Board to consider bids for Island Park Pool; Dave Leker, presenter.
5. Adjourn
Individuals who wish to attend Park Board meetings but need special arrangements or would like to address the Board, please contact the Fargo Park District office at 499-6060 by noon on the Monday before the Board Meeting.