Each year the Fargo Park District dedicates time and resources to enhancing the parks system in the "City of Parks." Below learn more about current, future and completed park district projects throughout Fargo. The list below includes capital improvements, rehabilitation and other projects. Note: Projects with a status of current means the project has been approved by the Fargo Park Board.
For questions on any of the projects listed below, please contact the Fargo Park District at 701-499-6060 or info@fargoparks.com.
To request service at a park or provide feedback on a specific location, please use the Public Feedback Form.
To request the addition of a project to the Capital Improvement Plan, please use the Capital Project Prioritization Form.
Current Projects
Status: Current
Location: Yunker Farm Park & Dog Park
Estimated Completion: Summer 2025
Project Overview:
A key piece of the broader Yunker Farm Park Master Plan, the dog park located at Yunker Farm Park is being moved, redesigned and revitalized. Construction began in mid-July of 2024. The new dog park is expected to open to the public summer 2025. The existing dog park at Yunker Farm Park will remain open and available to public use for the duration of this project and will not be affected by construction.
After a robust public input period, the new and improved park will feature:
- 3 separate dog areas
- Play ammenities
- Drinking fountains
- Small shade structures
- Large 20'X24' shade shelter
- Paved parking lot
- Improved lighting
- Improved drainage
- Improved landscaping
Some trees will be removed during construction of the new park. The trees that will be removed were planted as part of NDSU research plots more than 20 years ago. The research trees were planted in "plot" rows very close together and were not intended to be a permanent part of the landscape. The majority of the trees that are being removed are considered small (8" diameter or less), in marginal to poor condition, and many are of the Ash species. With the threat of Emerald Ash Borer imminent in our community, these trees were carefully selected for removal to ensure the overall health of our urban forest. It is important to reiterate, they were not removed solely for the Yunker Farm Dog Park project.
Status: Current
Location: Various parks
Estimated Completion: Ongoing
Project Overview:
With Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) confirmed within Moorhead city limits, the Fargo Park District is actively working with city and state officials to help slow the spread of the invasive species throughout Fargo’s parks, trails and green spaces.
The Fargo Park District currently cares for over 26,000 trees, of which roughly 3,500 or 14% are ash trees. For the past ten years, the Fargo Park District Forestry team has been actively removing ash trees in poor condition and diversifying park tree species to help mitigate a possible EAB infestation. The City of Moorhead has issued quarantine procedures to help slow the spread of the pest.
The Fargo Park's EAB mitigation strategy includes removing small ash trees, those with a stem diameter at breast height of less than or equal to 8" and replace those removed the following year. Approximately 700 ash trees will be treated chemically on a biannual rotation to preserve them and prevent decline from EAB infestation. This will maintain a population of about 1400-2000 ash trees in the Fargo park system.
To view a map of trees that are marked for removal or treatment, visit the links below. Each colored dot annotates a tree that will be removed and subsequently replaced.
Status: Current
Location: Island Park
Estimated Completion: Summer 2025
Project Overview: Construction of the pool at Island Park will start in the spring of 2023 and plans to be complete the fall of 2024
The financing for this project was discussed at the March Park Board meeting.
The Fargo Park District is in the planning stages for a replacement pool at the current Island Park Pool location. A centrally located summer fixture, the Island Park Pool has served the community in its current design since 1977. The pool and fixtures are outdated and nearing the end of its lifespan.
The financing for this project was discussed at the March 9, 2021 and April 13, 2021 Park Board meetings. Options for replacement were discussed at the April 13, 2021 Park Board meeting. This project has an updated timeline that was discussed at the October 5, 2021 board meeting.
The public celebrated one final summer at the current Island Park Pool. Plans will be made for the pool to open for the 2022 season with demolition beginning in the fall of 2022 after it closes.
Project Updates:
- Public Feedback Wanted on Proposed Island Park Pool Project October 30, 2020
- Fargo Park District Board Moves Forward with Funding Discussions on Two Key Projects March 9, 2021
- Park Board Meeting March 9, 2021
- Park Board Meeting April 13, 2021
- Fargo Park District to Hold Public Input Meetings for Future of Island Park Pool August 16, 2021
- Park Board Meeting October 5, 2021
- Fargo Park District Plans for Two Big Projects October 5, 2021
- Fargo Park District Board Approves Capital Project Funding Model November 9, 2021
- Fargo Park Board Considers Resolution February 8, 2022
- Fargo Park Board Makes Key Decisions on Several Items June 14, 2022
- Fargo Park District to Hold Island Park Pool Project Open House July 26, 2022
- Fargo Park District to Celebrate Final Week of Island Park Pool Friday, August 12, 2022
- Proposed Island Park Pool Project Scope Friday, July 29, 2022
Survey Results:
Learn more about this project on the Fargo Parks Sports Center page.
Future Projects
In 2025 the following locations with undergo concrete and asphalt improvements:
- Friendship Park Basketball Court (changing asphalt to concrete).
- Rose Creek Golf Course cart path improvements on holes 16, 17, 18.
- Longfellow Park parking lot mill and overlay.
- Rheault Farm playground borders.
- Tharaldson Little League playground borders.
- Fox Run playground borders.
- Starion Field parking lot drainage improvements.
- Davies Baseball Complex sidewalk addition.
- Courts Plus north parking lot mill and overlay.
- Anderson Softball Complex sidewalk addition.
- Milwaukee Trail offshoots.
- Island Park - Kiwanis trail additions.
- Trollwood Park sidewalk addition along Kandi Lane.
Playgrounds at the following parks will be replaced in 2025:
- Rheault Farm Park
- Tharaldson Little League
- Fox Run Park
Status: Future
Location: Mickelson Field
Estimated Completion: TBD
Project Overview:
Updated lights will be installed at Mickelson Field #4.
Status: Future
Location: Fargo South Pool
Estimated Completion: TBD
Project Overview:
This project will include complete removal and replacement of all pumps, filters, piping and strainer baskets.
Status: Future
Location: Davies Pool
Estimated Completion: TBD
Project Overview:
This project will include the removal of existing pool surfacing and re-plastering of all pool walls and floor. Drain grates will also be replaced.
Completed Projects
Learn more at FargoParksSportsCenter.com.
Status: Complete
Location: Anderson Softball Complex
Estimated Completion: Completed December 2024
Project Overview:
Updated lights are being installed in the two south fields at Anderson Softball Complex. Underground work began in mid-July and is anticipated to be complete in early August. Lights will be installed in mid to late October.
Status: Completed
Location: Pepsi Soccer Complex
Project Overview:
The existing Playground at the Pepsi Soccer Complex will be removed and new playground equipment installed.
Status: Completed
Location: Orchard Glen Park + Forest River Park
Project Overview:
Existing trails at Orchard Glen and Forest River Parks will be updated and expanded. Screening and cement slabs for portable toilet facilities will also be installed. This project is partially funded by a Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant.
The Forest River portion of the project is scheduled to start in late July 2024 and is expected to be completed by late October 2024.
The Orchard Glen portion of the project is scheduled to start in late September of 2024 and is expected to be completed by late November 2024.
Status: Completed
Location: Tharaldson Little League Complex
Project Overview:
The Tharaldson Little League Concrete project consists of removing the existing asphalt throughout the complex and replacing it with new concrete. This includes new concrete installation around the four baseball diamond backstops, concession/bathroom building, and associated walkways.
New concrete pads will also be poured in preparation for the installation of two new picnic/shade shelters within the complex in the spring of 2025.
Status: Completed
Location: Various
Project Overview:
The Fargo Park District's Strategic Plan is a testament to the District's dedication to growing community through places, spaces, and experiences.
The Strategic Plan sets forth the Fargo Park District's strategic direction for the next several years. The plan outlines the Park District's purpose, envisioned future, and areas of strategic priority in which the District will invest time, talent, and resources to fulfill its mission and realize its vision.
The process used to develop this plan involved a broad range of stakeholder engagement and input, including community and staff surveys, stakeholder focus groups, partner committee meetings, and board member interviews. A committee made of 35 stakeholders, community partners, and staff members met a total of five times to provide context, feedback, and strategic direction.
The Strategic Plan defines the organizational mission (purpose), vision (envisioned future), core values (guiding principles), strategic priorities, goals, objectives, strategies, and outcomes.
Growing community through places, spaces, and experiences.
The Fargo Park District strives to be a central driving force in creating an active and healthy community by:
- Providing safe spaces to nurture personal growth and enhance social connections.
- Building a collaborative workplace with dedicated, forward-thinking staff.
- Ensuring open, accountable, and transparent communication with the public.
- Protecting park ecosystems and surrounding environments.
- Utilizing data-driven decision making to improve services and maximize community impact.
- Advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in everything we do.
Be Authentic.
We uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and stewardship in all our interactions and decisions. Our authenticity is reflected in our commitment to honesty, ethical practices, and genuine communication. By fostering an environment where authenticity thrives, we build trust, cultivate meaningful relationships, and ensure our our actions align with our values.
Be Bold.
We courageously embrace challenges and push boundaries to drive growth. By fostering a culture of boldness, we inspire each other to think creatively, act decisively, take calculated risks, lead with conviction, and pursue ambitious goals.
Be Collaborative.
We believe in the strength that comes from diverse perspectives. We encourage innovation, enhance problem-solving, and achieve greater outcomes by fostering an environment where everyone's voice is included, valued, and respected.
- Organizational Excellence
- Relationships
- Spaces and Places
Read the entire Strategic Plan HERE.
Status: Completed
Location: Trollwood Park
Project Overview:
Existing playground equipment at Trollwood Park was removed and new equipment installed.
Status: Completed
Location: Coliseum
Project Overview:
New concrete was poured at the entrance of the Coliseum to match work that was done in 2023 in the Coliseum parking lot. Warranty work in ADA stalls will also be completed. The project will start in early August, with anticipated completion by late September 2024.
Status: Completed
Location: Brandt Crossing Playground and Dog Park
Completed: Summer 2024
Project Overview:
To mitigate off-street parking at the Brandt Crossing Park and Dog Park a parking lot will be installed just south of the small dog park on 33rd Ave. S. Construction will begin in April, weather pending, and continue through the summer.
Use of both the small and large dog parks will not be affected during construction and off-street parking will still be available for park users for the duration of the project.