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This image shows a male volleyball player spiking the ball./

OTA Tournament Update: We are planning to move forward with the volleyball tournament tomorrow, March 15! However, we are postponing the start time to 12:00/12:15 pm. Registration will begin at 11:00 am and conclude at 11:45 am. Team draws will take place from 11:45 am to 12:00/12:15 pm, with the tournament starting shortly after.  If you are unable to attend due to weather, please email Jeff as soon as possible. Refunds will likely be processed next week.

Are you 35 or older and interested in playing some good 'ol indoor volleyball? If you answered yes, we have just the tournament for you!

The Older Than Average (OTA) Volleyball Tournament is for individuals 35 years of age and older. You will register as an individual and we will create the teams the morning of the games. Instructions will be sent out two days prior to tournament.

Register by March 12, the fee is $25.00. On the day of the tournament, the on-site registration will be available if spots are still open for a fee of $35.00.