Dust off your skates and gear up for the Fargo Pond Hockey Classic — where hockey meets the elements in its purest form, right on the ponds! This annual tournament is a celebration of the sport in its original, natural glory. With multiple rinks and a cozy warming tent, it's an experience designed for those who love winter's favorite pastime.
We offer three distinct divisions to cater to various skill levels: Novice, Silver, and Gold. Participants choose one division, each with identical rules and played on the same stunning venue, Lindenwood Park. Rosters can have up to 6 seasoned players, ages 18 and up. It's 3-on-3 action, no goalies, and two 12-minute. Depending on your division, the tournament spans two weekends.
Thank you to AXIS CLINICALS for being our sponsor for this event!
Get set for a weekend of fierce competition, and memories. See you at the Fargo Pond Hockey Classic!
Additional Information
We are now be selling alcohol permits instead of having a vendor on site. One permit is good per team. If you purchase a permit you are able to bring in single-serving plastic bottles or cans of beer, wine coolers, wine, and products such as “hard” lemonade. Other alcoholic beverages are NOT permitted. Such alcoholic beverages shall be consumed only at the area/location indicated in the Permit. Glass beverage containers, hard alcohol, and kegs are prohibited.
Permits can be purchased here.
Permits can also be purchased day-of at the tournament. A permit is good for the weekend only and in the parking lot and tent only.
Below is the Consumption Permit Policy:
The consumption of alcoholic beverages on Park District property should not detract from the programs and the use of facilities of the Park District. Consumption of alcoholic beverages on Park District property should not be allowed when it will have a detrimental affect on the youth of Fargo.
The sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on Park District property is prohibited unless the sale and/or consumption is allowed by a duly issued permit from the Park District in accordance with park policy. Permits will be issued for designated indoor and outdoor facilities. Any sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on Park District property without a permit is unlawful.
1. The Consumption Permit requires that the use of alcoholic beverages be in compliance with the law of the State of North Dakota, the ordinances of the City of Fargo, and the ordinances and the Alcoholic Beverage Policy of the Park District.
2. The Consumption Permit allows the holder and his/her group/team to bring and consume the following beverages, purchased elsewhere, to the area/location described below: single serving plastic bottles or cans of beer, wine coolers, wine, and products such as “hard” lemonade. Other alcoholic beverages are NOT permitted. Such alcoholic beverages shall be consumed only at the area/location indicated in the Permit. Glass beverage containers, hard alcohol and kegs are prohibited.
3. The Consumption Permit allows only the possession and consumption of the alcoholic beverages by adults 21 years of age and older who are part of the group/team and its reasonable invitees. The Permit is not a license to sell alcoholic beverages.
4. The holder of the Consumption Permit shall be held responsible for the actions and conduct of all persons in his/ her group/team and must assure that all laws of the State of North Dakota, all ordinances of the City of Fargo, and the ordinances and the Alcoholic Beverage Policy of the Park District are abided by. The holder of the Consumption Permit will indemnify and hold the Park District harmless for any claims arising out of the group/team’s possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on Park District property and any failures to comply with State, City or Park District laws, ordinances and policies. The Park District retains the authority to revoke the Consumption Permit at any time should there be a violation of any of the above by the Applicant or any member of the group/team.
Consumption Permits costs $50. Permits can be purchased with shelter reservation. Seasonal permits can be purchased for softball teams and sand volleyball teams. Contact the Fargo Park District for more information at 701-499-6060.
Purchase your Pond Hockey Classic merchandise here! Order merchandise by January 31st to guarantee it arrives before the event. Merchandise will be available to purchase until February 28th.
The Novice division is a non-competitive play, meaning no high school experience. Click here to register.
Registration deadline February 3.
The Silver division is recreational play, meaning players have up to high school experience. Click here to register..
Registration deadline February 3.
The Gold division is competitive play, meaning players have up to college-level experience. Click here to register.
Registration deadline February 3.
- Players can only play on one team.
- All teams much have similar jerseys or uniforms. Type kinds are preferred, a light and a dark.
- All players must check in at the Player Information table in the warming house before their first game to sign a liability waiver and obtain a wristband. This wristband must be worn throughout the entire tournament weekend.
- A representative from your team must attend a rules meeting before your first game.
- Substitutions must be made 45 minutes prior to your team's first game at the Players Information table in the warming house. No other substitutions can be made after this point. The players on your roster on the first day of the tournament must be the same players who play on the team throughout the weekend.
- Players must have an I.D for each game in case of a protest. Protesting teams are also subject to a roster check.
- For each game, there is one rink manager/official monitoring play (scoring, time, puck reset, and arbiter of infractions).
- Absolutely no outside beer or other alcoholic beverages are allowed at the Fargo Pond Hockey Classic (Fargo Park District) Property.
- Games are composed of two 12-minute halves with a 1-minute halftime.
- All players must wear a helmet with a strap and hockey skates. Protective equipment is optional but highly recommended.
- No goalie equipment or sticks allowed
- To determine which goal to defend a coin toss is conducted. Teams switch after halftime.
- There are no off-sides or icing calls.
- Goals are scored from the attacking side of center ice.
- All games are running time and substitutions are made during play (players leaving the game must be at the snowboards before a new skate can engage in play) or while a puck is out of play.
- If a puck goes out of bounds, the last team to touch the puck loses possession. During restart, the defender must give his opponent half-ice.
- Players should not pursue pucks out of play. Officials have extra pucks and immediately replace a puck for play to continue.
- Goaltending is not allowed. A player may not patrol, "camp out" or remain stationary in the crease area and act as a goaltender. A defender may deflect the puck in the crease area, but the defender must do so while continuing to move through the crease area. The crease area is defined as an imaginary box extending out four feet from the outside corner of the goal. Rink officials will give a warning to the team if they deem goaltending is taking place. Further goaltending results in a minor penalty. The rink official has the say as to what is considered goaltending. Setting picks in the offensive zone is not allowed. Deference is given to a defender in front of their own net where their progress is impeded by the pick or interference of an offensive player.
- Saucer passes (i.e. pucks that are lifted low, below the knee) are acceptable.
- Referees call out the score after each goal. This includes goals scored by players or awarded from minor penalties.
- In the event of a tie during both qualifying and championship games, the play moves to sudden death format.
- Games start and stop on the master horn, for every minute a team is late they are penalized a goal. If a team fails to show up for a game they forfeit the game with the final score of 15-0.
- Teams are responsible for shoveling their game.
- Penalties are called for rule infractions. Penalties called by the rink manager/official are final. a minor penalty results in [possession of the puck awarded to the opposing team. rink officials have the discretion to also award a goal to the opposing team when a minor penalty us flagrant and/or a team is consistently playing in a reckless manner.
- Any major penalty, which includes an ion that could possibly injure another player, results in that player being ejected from the tournament. The team that received the ejection plays the remaining game short-handed. The rink official determines major penalties. (No players can be added if others are lost to major penalties).
- Abuse of officials is considered a major penalty. This includes yelling, swearing, or arguing about calls.
- Absolutely no checking is allowed. Such action results in a minor penalty unless deemed serious enough to be a major.
- No slap shots are allowed. Such action results in a minor penalty.
- Players cannot fall or lay on the ice in efforts to protect the goal area. Such action results in a minor penalty.
- Goaltending is a minor penalty (See GamePlay #10).
- Contacting the puck with a stick above the waist results in a minor penalty.
- Teams must give opponents half-ice after a goal is scored or it is considered a minor penalty.
*Rules are subject to change. They may be adjusted by tournament coordinators as they deem necessary.